For those who don’t know anything about the game, it is a roleplaying adventure game that is set in the CyberPunk universe. The game, developed by CD Projekt is about 70GB on steam. All gamers will recognize CD Projekt as the developers of Witchers 3:Wild Hunt. In the game, you play as V, a mercenary who is an outlaw. The most exciting aspect of the game is the use of one of a kind REDengine technology that has been specially developed by CD Projekt. It is worth mentioning that the game has many bugs too. The developers are aware of the issue and have promised to fix it at the earliest. The game is also triggering for people with epilepsy so users should be careful while playing it.
On PC, the game takes up 70GB. It can be run from 1080p to 4k resolution. It will also be available on Stadia AND XBOX one. And on PS4 and PS5, the game will take up 100GB. The minimum requirements of the game are quite a lot. The resolution of your PC has to be at least 1080p Processor. The RAM has to be at least 8GB, and the VRAM has to be at least 3GB. The processor of your PC should be AMD FX-8310 or Intel Core i5-3570K.
The game will be available from the 10th of December 2020. Like mentioned earlier, it will be available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Stadia.
The game is relatively expensive. Wherever you buy it, you will have to shell out at least 3000 INR. The PlayStation, Steam, and Xbox versions cost 3,499 INR, 2999 INR, and 3,490 INR respectively. On Stadia, it will cost around 4,400 INR. Overall, the game has received appreciation from reviewers who have received it as a part of promotions. Of course, once everyone gets their hand on it, many more hidden aspects of the game will come out. Cyberpunk 2077 will be available from the 10th of December 2020 on all platforms. If you’ve any thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077 Released Today, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers! Comment * Name * Email *